The Correct Order To Apply Skincare Products

The Right Order To Apply Skincare Products

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about one of my favorite skincare exfoliants by Peter Thomas Roth. I received good feedback on this post via my Instagram. I love when you find me on social and DM me! One of the questions I was asked the most was what is the correct order to apply skincare products. This is a great question! As I went from just using a cleanser and moisturizer, to adding serums, exfoliants, and masks, I too was left wondering the right order to apply skincare products. If you also have this question, keep reading. If you’re going to spend money on products, you might as well learn the correct order to apply them. It definitely makes a difference in the effectiveness of the products.

Correct Order Of Skincare

Step 1 - Cleanser: You want to start off with clean skin. I usually double cleanse my skin. All this means is I wash face twice. Trust me when I say that your face is not clean after washing it only once. Don’t believe me, use a white wash cloth or see what still comes off when you get to the toner step.

Step 2 - Exfoliator: I exfoliate 2-3 times a week. On days that I don’t exfoliate, I go straight to the toner after I cleanse. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells from the surface and gives your skin a nice glow.

Step 3 - Toner: A toner removes excess dirt, makeup, and oil. It also balances the pH of your skin.

Step 4 - Skin Treatments: Skin treatments aid in skincare. They usually target a specific skin issue you may have (ie: acne, acne scars, age spots, etc).

Step 5 - Serums: These are lightweight solutions that penetrate deeper to deliver an active ingredient to the skin.

Step 6 - Eye Cream: Can be used to reduce wrinkles, dark circles, and/or puffiness.

Step 7 - Moisturizer/Oil: This is very important and is used to hydrate your skin.

Step 8 - Suncreen: Sunscreen is also important since it protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

The Correct Order To Apply Skincare Products