Why i joined the Mattie james consistency challenge

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I haven’t blogged consistently since I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. And if we’re being really real, I wasn’t even consistently consistent then. What does that mean? Well, I would blog a few times a few for a few weeks, maybe even for a couple of months. Then I would stop and pick back up. Even when I fell off, I would still post a few times within the month.

My pregnancy was challenging. I didn’t have any complications, but I was sick almost my entire pregnancy. Sick as in all day nausea and vomiting at least once a day all the way up until I gave birth. (I’ll share my pregnancy in detail in an upcoming post). So I blogged MAYBE 5 times while I was pregnant.

If I thought it was a challenge to blog before I became I mom, I knew with an infant I would need a little push to get things going. Mattie’s first consistency challenge was in May but for Instagram. The challenge was to post to Instagram every day in the month of May. I almost completed this challenge but took a pause with the killing of George Floyd. I needed time to process what was happening to my people. Mattie also took a pause and there was no consistency challenge in June. Then she came back in July with the ultimate challenge of blogging Monday-Friday for all of July. I knew this would either make me realize how much I truly like blogging or the exact opposite.

This is week 2 and so far I’m enjoying. I will blog my results next month. As we know, consistency usually brings good results. My goal is to create a blogging habit, process, and schedule. After the challenge I don’t plan on blogging everyday. However, I do plan on consistently blogging 3 times a week. I’ve had consistency as my theme word for two years in a row. I’m making sure 2020 is my year.