Newborn Essentials List: My Top 10 Must Haves

Newborn Essentials List - Top 10 Newborn Must Haves

Preparing for the newborn stage can be quite overwhelming. I remember being so stressed creating the registry for our baby shower, trying to make sure I had all the newborn essentials. I also remember obsessing over numerous newborn essentials lists that I found on Pinterest. I did this up until I delivered. I just wanted to make sure that I had everything. Well, I indeed had everything I needed plus more!

In this post I’m breaking it down and sharing my top 10 must haves that I used daily or that I should have used daily. These MVP’s seriously got me through the newborn stage. I’m even throwing in a bonus 5 items. To be clear, this is not a full list of everything your newborn needs. You won’t see clothes, burp cloths, or bottles. This is a top 10 list of newborn products that I couldn’t do without.

Top 10 Newborn Must Have Products

1. White Noise Machine - While pregnant I read all about white noise and how it helps to calm babies, put them to sleep, and keep them sleep. It has truly been a game changer for us! This is how much we believe in white noise in our home; we have a white noise app on our phone, a white noise machine for the room, and portable white noise machines for the diaper bag, car, stroller, and other rooms in our home. We don’t play around with white noise! It has helped us when Mia has been fussy while out in public (pre-covid), and we still use it today to put Mia to sleep (she is now 11 months).

2. Changing Table - The changing table is another item that we use every day, multiple times a day. It’s so convenient to have everything you need for a diaper change in one location. Also, as a newborn Mia didn’t like to be put down much except for the changing table. It became routine for her and this was one place where she didn’t mind laying on her back. This became a little mommy break from holding Mia. Diaper changes would some times turn into 15 minute play sessions where I would sing to her and make her smile.

3. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow - The My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow was recommended by one of my co-workers at the time, and then again in my breast feeding class. After using it I definitely see what the hype is about. I love that this pillow is flat and firm so it was a sturdier base for Mia. I didn’t have to lean over to reach down to her either. It also has great back support. I prefer the My Brest Friend nursing pillow over the Boppy Pillow because of it’s firm structure. However, I did use the Boppy pillow a lot as well. I had a nursing pillow in every room of the house. I had a Boppy in the living room and the nursery, and I had the My Brest Friend in our bedroom because it was nice for overnight feedings.

4. Newborn Tub - Once your baby’s umbilical cord falls off, let the bath time fun begin! I really like our newborn to toddler tub. It has a sling for newborns, one side of the tub for younger infants, and the other side of the tub is for older infants that are able to sit up on their own.

5. Diaper Pail - Having a diaper pail is definitely a newborn essential. It’s also another item that will take you well pass the newborn stage. You’re going to need somewhere to store all of those smelly poopy diapers. Trust me, you’re not going to want to throw every poop diaper outside each time, and you certainly don’t want to leave it inside. You need a place to conceal the smell, and the diaper pail does just that.

Newborn Essentials List - Top 10 Newborn Must Haves

6. Aquaphor - Who knew that Aquaphor could be used for so many things. I seriously make sure that we always have Aquaphor on hand. We use it during diaper changes to prevent diaper rash, I use it on scratches on the baby’s face to help them heal faster, I used it on Mia’s face when she had baby acne, and Mia’s dad uses it on his hands when they’re a little dry.

7. Baby Electric Nail File - I don’t know about you, but there’s something about cutting a baby’s nails, even with a baby nail clipper that makes me so nervous. I was always scared that I would accidently clip her skin. My good friend, and Mia’s godmom, cut Mia’s nails the first few times. Then Mia’s nanny suggested I get a baby electric nail file and that was a complete game changer. It’s so easy to use and comes with different file attachments depending on your baby’s age.

8. Activity Play Mat - Our Fisher Price Deluxe Kick & Play Piano Gym came in handy when trying to get newborn Baby Mia up during her wake windows. She loved staring up at the activity toys. When she got a little older she enjoyed kicking her feet on the piano. She eventually reached up to try to grab the hanging toys, then we were able to sit her up to play with the toys and the piano. Now we have detached the piano and she still plays with it!

9. Baby Wrap/Carrier - At the newborn stage a baby wrap and a baby carrier. I had a Solly Baby Wrap that I mostly wore in the house to get things done while holding Mia. And, I had an Ergobaby Baby Carrier for outside of the home (for walks and outings).

10. Baby Swing or Bouncer - I chose the Mamaroo for our baby swing. Initially, Mia wasn’t fond of the Mamaroo, but that’s because she liked to be held and didn’t want to be put down. Slowly she got used to it and I was able to do small tasks while she sat in there. For a full review on the Mamaroo click here.

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Newborn Essentials List - Top 10 Must Haves