How I Make & Store My Own Baby Food! | Homemade Baby Purees

I started my daughter, Mia, on solids when she was 4 months.  I started with baby cereal, and although she liked the taste, it didn’t really agree with her tummy.  Because of this, I moved straight to veggie purees. While pregnant with Mia, I knew that I wanted to make her baby food.  At the time, I wasn’t sure how long I would keep it up, but I knew I wanted to try.  I’m proud to say that I fully committed to making ALL of her baby food, with the exception of 2 family staycations.  For those staycations, I fed her packaged baby food.

When it was time to puree Mia’s baby food, I didn’t really know where to begin.  I started looking up how to puree baby food and how to store homemade puree baby food.  After reading several posts, I found an option that I thought was very efficient on time and space.  Keep reading to see how I make and store my own baby food.

How To Make Your Own Baby Food

First things first, my baby food maker played a huge role in the ease of the process.  I was given a Beaba Babycook baby food maker.  This baby food maker allows you to steam and blend food.  Mine is a duo food maker with 2 separate vessels allowing me to be able to steam and cook 2 kinds of food at the same time! (Scroll to the bottom of this post if you prefer to watch my YouTube tutorial on how to make baby food)

How I Make Homemade Baby Purees

Step 1: So the first step in making baby food is to prep the food.  Depending on the fruit/vegetable, you may need to remove the skin.  You will then need to cut/chop the food in small pieces.  I usually cut the fruit or vegetable in 1 inch chunks.  This just makes it easier to blend.

Step 2: Steam the fruit or vegetable, if needed.  Foods like bananas and avocado don’t need to be steamed before blending.

Step 3: Now that you have prepped the food, you are ready to blend! If you are having trouble getting a smooth consistency you may need to add water. Be sure to add a little at a time. It is much easier to keep adding water as needed than it is to try to fix a puree that has too much water.

How To Puree & Store Baby Food

How To Store Baby Food

To store the baby food, I used silicone ice cube trays. It’s a super simple and efficient way to store baby purees.  Just pour the puree in the ice cube tray and put it in the freezer.  Once the puree cubes are completely frozen, pop them out and put in a clear storage bag.  Soon you’ll have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and combinations of both so be sure to label and date the storage bags.  Some of the purees start looking real similar!  

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to watch a step by step tutorial. If you happen to try this, be sure to let me know in the comments or tag me on Instagram @arteresalynn.

How I Make I Store My Own Baby Food! | Homemade Baby Purees